Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Men of Gatsby

There is alot of different types of men in the Gatsby. There is Tom the tough cheating rich man who went to Yale. Then there is Nick the somewhat poor man who is very independent and an all around good man. Gatsby is another fellow who gets his money through illegal ways in order to win his lover back into his own heart. All of these men are very different within the Great Gatsby.

Typically the men in Gatsby are rich men. These men usually work themselves to death or they cheat to get to the top. Most of the men in Gatsby are also very egotistic as well. They usually only care about themselves and if anything they will care for there family, but anything outside they do not really care about them. Most of the rich men in Gatsby feel that people who make less money are worthless and that they really dont matter in the world. These are the types of men in Gatsby.

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